Nellie has always been such a tough little girl, but she has one of the kindest hearts. She gives the best hugs, she always has. Lately her big thing is to say "You're my best friend" She says it to everyone, Daddy, Lizzy, me, Jane, and don't worry inanimate objects as well, her stuffed animals, her doggie blankie, other stuff too. I took her to the nursing home to visit the people and she was sooo sweet, she put her little hand out and shook all of their hands and talked to them, even though some of them looked a little bit scary to a 3 year old. She always is willing to share her stuff too. If she has a treat left and Lizzy's is all gone she always gives Lizzy some of hers too. She is always giving her stuffed animals to Jane to try and make her happy. She really can be the sweetest girl.
Nellie's favorite color is surprise, green, She loves Diego of course. She is definitely not your typical girl. Lizzy and Nellie are very opposite in many ways, but they are the best of friends. Nellie lets Lizzy boss her around quite a bit until she pushes too far and then Nellie has had it.
Nelie started dance class, I think she wanted to be like Lizzy, Sometimes she tells me she doesn't like green anymore she likes pink and purple instead (Lizzy's favorites) but then a little while later she is back to green. I think she wants to be like Lizzy in some ways.
Nellie says some funny things too. One day she was talking about boobies, I know nice huh and I said they were private and we don't talk about them. So almost everyday she says to me "Mom, we don't talk about boobies, just our legs and bellies." I also told her that Dad doesn't have boobs, they are called pecs, and she says to Kevin all the time "girls have boobies and Daddies have pickles." I guess she thought I said pickles and not pecs. I should probably correct her but it is funny.
Nellie is not a very good eater, but I will admit when I tell her she can't have anything else until she eats her meal, she usually eats it so she can have a treat. She has a major sweet tooth. But being my daughter, she didn't have much of a chance. She does really like fruit though, I have to save it for after she eats everything else because she will want to eat just that. One of her favorites is "honeydude", probably because it is green. She really loves her milk too and will not go to bed until she has had her drink of milk.
Trying to bribe Nellie to do anything does not work. We have a chore chart and the girls get a quarter for every thing they do. Well Nellie could make a quarter everyday she makes her bed, but most days I can't get her to do it. I tell her I am going to make it and then she will get a bad check mark and she will have to pay me the money, she just says "It's okay if I get a bad check mark." She just doesn't care. Only Nellie can motivate Nellie, but we are still working on it.
She really loves her name too. Sometimes I will call her my princess or cutie or something else and she will say "I'm not a princess I'm Nellie!" There is one thing for sure our life would not be the same without our Nellie. We are so glad she is in our family she adds so much spunk and energy to our lives. We love you Nellie Belle!