But since my kids do have to grow up I can enjoy them getting older. There are a lot of fun things about kids growing up. Lizzy really is such a joy. She came to this life so happy. It is so interesting to see Lizzy and the kind of child that she is. She is completely opposite of the kind of kid I was. I was always sad and unhappy and I didn't make friends easily. Lizzy is Miss Social. When I take her to preschool all of the kids come running up to her "Lizzy's here, Lizzy's here!" She is always so happy all of the time. She gets so excited about everything. I love having someone around that has such joy for life. I swear she never has a bad day.
Lizzy is definitely the oldest child. She likes to direct everything and she likes to be the Mommy. She loves trying to take care of Nellie and especially Jane. She is always dragging Jane all around the house and getting things for Jane. No wonder Jane hasn't been very mobile, Lizzy just gets her whatever she wants. When Nellie was sick Lizzy just sat right by her and kept hugging her and getting her whatever she needed. She is the best little helper, whenever I ask her to help me with something, she ALWAYS does it. She i the best little cleaner, she will make her bed everyday and sometimes she will go in and make mine if I haven't done it yet. She just always wants to make people happy.
Lizzy has been really into Barbies lately especially Barbie and the three musketeers. She was pretty disappointed when I told her that she couldn't be a musketeer when she grew up because they no longer existed. So she decided that she was going to be a ballerina when she grew up. She really loves dancing and singing. She loves to have a stay up night and watch So You Think You Can Dance with us. She only like the dances that the girls have the beautiful dresses though. She is just the girlyest girl. She is always wanting me to put makeup on her, and when I tell her that she can't wear it until she gets bigger, she always says she wishes she was a mom like me.
Lizzy loves to sing. Watching her sing in the Primary program was so cute because she really uses her mouth to sing and sings like the people you see on T.V. She is always trying to harmonize songs and practice singing different ways. I think it may be something that will be a real passion for her later on in life.
Lizzy is very conscious of her eating. She is the best eater. She eats everything, she is not picky at all. She always wants to know what vitamins and stuff is in her food that is good for her body, it is too funny. She likes her treats too, but she never sneaks into them and eats them if I don't tell her she can.
One funny thing about Lizzy is that she is very conscious about being a good person, and she can sometimes be a bit self righteous. One day I was doing my cleaning and my shorts were low riding a bit, Well Lizzy said "Mom please pull up you pants." in a very self righteous way. So I said Lizzy that wasn't very nice to say to me and she said all sad "But Mom, I'm just trying to live the gospel!" It was really funny and something I will remember forever.
Some other things about Lizzy:
Lizzy's favorite color is purple
Lizzy's favorite food is pasta
Lizzy's favorite show is Barbie and the Three Musketeers
Lizzy's best friend is Nellie, they have so much fun together and Lizzy always includes Nellie in every situation.
I am so glad that I was blessed with this amazing little girl who is a joy to everyone she meets. I love you Lizzy Lou Lou!