My Baby Lady is no more. It makes me a little sad, but we are enjoying it so much too! She is so big, it is crazy how much she has grown up in the past couple of months. No more paci, no more diapers, no more crib, and she was the one that decided on all of them. Well the paci was us, but the other day she said to me, "I don't need a paci mom because I am big!" It was way too cute. I seriously could still just eat her up. When she got into her big girl bed she was so proud of it and wanted to show everyone. She will go and roll around on it and say, "do you like my big girl bed?" She has been talking for a long time now, but she says the most adult things sometimes it just kills me. Last night it was prayer time and she said "I believe it is Lizzy's turn to say the prayer." She makes us laugh so much and Kevin is convinced that she is going to be the ham in the family.
Another thing that she is into lately is puzzles. The girl can do a 25 piece puzzle completely on her own and she is so good at doing them. She can even help do a 100 piece or more and is actually a really good help doing them. Plus she loves to do them too, it is her favorite thing to do and she asks me everyday to get the puzzles down for her to do. We had to go and buy a bunch more just because she loves them so much and wanted more to do.
She is also very excited for her brother to get here and to be a big sister. She will come up to me and start rubbing my belly and say " baby brother I love you!" We just love our little Janie bug and she will always be my Baby Lady!