Friday, June 29, 2007

My Crazy Girls

Lizzy is a crazy kid. She is so full of mischief. She got ahold of scissors, seeing as last time she got scissors she cut her hair, I try really hard to make sure she can't get stuff like that, but nevertheless she got them, and what did she cut up? She got on my bed and cut up my nice expensive sheets and comforter. Lovely.

I had to call poison control because Lizzy ate a whole flower. She eats stuff like that all the time. Since she was going to eat plants no matter what I did apparently, I told her she could eat the plants in my herb garden, and sure enough she eats basil leaves all the time. She loves them.

I called poison control again because she got ahold of baby ibuprofen and got the child proof cap off, (she has been doing that since she was 8 months) and tried to pour it down Nellie's throat, good thing most of it ended up on the carpet, but since they keep record of the calls to poison control, I am worried they are going to report me to child services.

Right about now people reading this must think I am a neglectful parent that leaves her child to get into trouble. Really I don't, only to go to the bathroom or do the laundry or things like that, it's just that Lizzy attracts trouble and takes advantage of any time alone.

I was telling Lizzy it was time to put her jammies on and she said "Now's not a good time, sorry." She thinks she is an adult I swear.

Lizzy isn't the only one who thinks she is an adult. Nellie refuses to eat baby food and has for about a month and a half. She wants what we eat. And she wants big pieces like we eat. She can eat big chunks of fruit, whole strawberries, even her own sandwiches. Keep in mind she still doesn't have any teeth! Does she choke? Heck no, she can handle it, she is a grownup. She has only been crawling for a month, but she has already decided that is too boring, and she is trying to walk. She can stand on her own. the other night she just stood in the middle of the room while she drank her bottle. She has even taken a few steps. These girls are crazy! what happened to the mellow girl that is just like her dad that I was supposed to get. Why did I get girls who are full of attitude and sass. Maybe my boys will be just like their dad. Let's hope because I don't know how many more kids like this I can have without losing my mind!

All kidding aside I love them to pieces and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. They are the cutest sweetest kids and I am the luckiest mommy in the world to have them.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers Day

I am so grateful to have been blessed with such a great husband. He is so patient with me and so loving. He does such a good job with the girls. We all feel so loved by him. He is so good to always help me out with everything. He loves his girls so much. When he gets home he spends all his time with his family. He always puts us first. He is the best.

I was also so blessed to have the best dad in the world. He sacrificed so much for his family and always was so patient with us. I remember as a kid always going to Dad for things because he was such a softie. I always said I wanted to marry someone like my dad becuase he was so wonderful and sure enough it is crazy how much Kevin and my Dad are alike. So slow to anger so full of love and kindness. Both are the best men I know.

For Fathers Day the primary sang Daddy's Homecoming and Love is Spoken Here. I am the Primary chorister and since there is no Nursery, Lizzy goes to Primary. Well we only have about 8 kids. We get up there and I have to lead the kids and sing with them. Lizzy knows the songs perfectly and just sings her heart out. I start crying because I am a total baby. I could hardly make it through the songs, the other kids are just standing up there not singing and looking at me like I am a freak and all the while Lizzy keeps singing her heart out and doing all the actions. She is two and she is the only kid who got up there and sang. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.

I recorded her singing it but I can't figure out how to put video on this blog, so if anyone knows how to will you please tell me.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Our House

I know a few people wanted to see what our little house looked like out here in Kansas. It is a cute little house. Kevin has really worked on the lawn to make it look good. He has done a really good job. You should have seen how Whiskey Tango (White Trash for all of the non-Hansens) it looked when we bought it. We also planted a bunch of shrubs and plants but it is hard to see them in this picture. We love our house and for $35,000 how could we not.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Big Shot

Nellie has been pulling herself up and crawling for a couple weeks now, she took a while to get herself going but now she thinks she is a big shot. She is trying to start walking. She can stand on her own for a couple seconds here and there and has great balance. With how much she has picked up in the last few weeks she should be walking by her first birthday. That would be right on track with her sister. Lizzy was full-on walking everywhere at ten months and technically Nellie is really nine months now if you count what she would be if she was born when she was supposed to be. I was hoping to have one of my girls be a laid back, chill girl that likes to cuddle and just hang out. Instead I have two go-getters. They are so BUSY. That is what everyone says when they meet Lizzy. And I am afraid that Nellie is much the same way. They sure are full of energy, and sometimes a bit crazy, but how could I ask for anything more.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just Like Dad

Who said little girls couldn't be just like their dads? Lizzy loves doing whatever Kevin is doing, she follows him everywhere and does whatever he does. She really is Daddy's little girl.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Her Friend Austin

Lizzy loves her cousin Austin. She sees a picture of him and she says "that is my friend Austin" I guess she doesn't understand the whole cousin thing yet. They had so much fun playing together and because of the age Lizzy is at they certainly had their disagreements. But all in all they sure loved being together. I hope one day we live closer to family so Lizzy can have a good relationship with her cousins. Posing in front of the Giraffes

Chilling watching Cars

Playing at the pool

Friday, June 1, 2007

Hogle Zoo

Chanelle and I took the kids to the Hogle Zoo. They had a lot of fun. Lizzy really enjoyed seeing all the animals. Her favorite was the White Crocodile. She saw it twice in a row and wanted to go and see it again. When we were looking at the Orangutans, the baby came right up to Lizzy at the widow, it was so cute. Of course Lizzy flipped out. For such a sassy chick she sure is afraid of a lot of things. It has just happened lately so maybe it is just a stage she is going through. Nellie was asleep in the stroller that is why she is not in the picture. I felt really bad because I guess Nellie has allergies, her eyes were all red and watering and her nose was running and her face had a rash. It was really sad.