Sunday, September 9, 2012

The River Cats

All summer we talked about taking the kids to the River Cats(the Triple A team).  We realized it was their last home stand so it was now or never.  We went on a Friday night, that was Family Night, with dollar hot dogs and desserts, thinking this will be a great deal.  The hot dogs were fine, a little small and squished, but the dollar desserts were pathetic and not even worth a dollar. Oh well.  It was an interesting night.  Nellie had gotten two dollars from the tooth fairy for losing her first tooth, and it was burning a major hole in her pocket.  She just had to buy something there with it.  So we went walking up and down that way looking for something to buy.  As you know at a baseball game good luck finding anything in that price range.  She was totally freaking out Nellie style.  Finally we found a man selling some small toys for 50 cents. She was happy for about ten minutes and then throwing her usual fit again because she wanted something else.  She was seriously rotten almost the whole time.  

 Before Nellie's freakout. 
 Lizzy really liked watching the big baseball players warming up.

 Lizzy just loves Russ.  They are so dang cute! 

 Daddy and his little kids.  Notice the towels, nice huh?  We had gotten a nice big blanket to sit on and when we got there we realized somehow we left it sitting at home. So we scrounged and had to use our towels from the van, nice!
 So cute!
 Mr. Russ was so good just cruising around on the grass.  But he got so tired.  We had to leave so we could get him home to sleep.
Janie was her usual fun, happy, easy-going self.  She had fun.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

i cannot believe how big everyone is getting. They are growing up way too fast. Darling kiddos! Miss you guys. xox