Monday, August 27, 2012

Busy Britches!

Russell is SO busy!  He is just like his biggest sister!  I swear he is just the boy version!  He is so much fun, but he is getting into everything!  He can climb the stairs and he climbs into everything, just like his toy box.  He is a monkey too!  Just like Lizzy was.  He gets into every cupboard he can, the toilet, drawers, you name it.  He is like a little tornado!  But the cutest tornado ever!

1 comment:

Grammie & Pa Pa said...

oh he is just so cute! Love the grin! It looks like Nellie had a fun birthday. We love Nellie and love that she likes to cook! She is growing up and so beautiful. Can't believe she is six. Such a sweetheart. Miss you all! Love you