Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mothers Day

It's always fun to have my birthday and Mother's Day so close together. It's like a whole week of fun times for me. I especially love when my little kiddies do something special for me at school. This year was the Mother's Day tea with my cute Janie.

I love when I get to spend some special time with just one of my kids. I loved all the darling things she made for me, I could tell that she really spent a lot of time on them to make them extra special.

It was also fun to watch Janie and her best friend Maxim enter act. Theyarereally cute together.
Of course it is also a highlight to hear all the cute songs they sing. I especially loved how out of tune the songs were, but they just sung their little hearts out!

I look at this crew I have and I can hardly believe it! They are really all mine! I was pregnant and gave birth six times! That is crazy! It is so amazing! All I really ever wanted in my life was to be a wife and a mother, and look at where I am. All of my dreams have come true. I am so very grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed me beyond anything I could have imagined!! I have the most beautiful life!


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