Thursday, January 14, 2016

All About Jane-7 years

Oh my beautiful Janie.  How could this have happened?  How could she already be seven!  She was supposed to stay three forever!  She is still such a sweet girl, bur she has shown some sass too!   Jane is now in the first grade and just doing amazing at it!  She is such an amazing reader that it is hard to believe that she has only been doing it for such a short time.  When we read the scriptures she picks up the big words so fast.  Jane loves to go to school and has lots of friends, but mostly boys.  I don't know what it is about this girl but she is a boy magnet. All the little boys in her class and at church and pretty much wherever she goes, they flock to her.  I think it may be that she is such a cutie, but she also has such a laidback attitude they must be drawn to that  She is always bringing home little gifts that boys have given her.

One of Jane's favorite things to do is to play with Nellie, even though they may not always get along, and Nellie can get really frustrated with Jane.  Jane wants to be just like Nellie and will copy something that Nellie does.  It drives Nellie crazy but I keep trying to tell her that she should be flattered that her little sister wants to be just like her. They share a bedroom because they are both the biggest pigs around.  Janie is a total packrat and will keep absolutely everything, so her bedroom is a giant pile of schoolwork and trinkets and toys and clothes.

Jane is the best big sister to her little siblings.  They love her so much!  She is always willing to play with them and entertain them for me.  One of her favorite things to play is School with Russ.  She is the teacher and she always gives him lots of assignments to do. Its super cute. It's probably a good thing that she is good with helping me with them because Jane is notoriously bad at helping around the house.  Trying to get her to get anything done is pretty darn difficult.  She always seems to manage to sneak out of helping when everyone else is distracted by something else.

One of Jane's favorite things to do is to draw.  Give that girl a piece of paper and a pencil and she is good to go.  She loves to color and paint and draw.  I love it because it reminds me a lot of me when I was a little girl. I loved to do that too.  Maybe she will become an artist as well.

Jane still drives me nuts with the clothes that she picks out. She will wear the same ratty clothes over and over again when she has super nice clothes in her drawers that she will never touch.  I guess it is one of the ways that she expresses her opinion.  Her favorite color is yellow like me, that may have had something to do with it.  Her favorite food is Hawaiian Haystack, like Lizzy.   

Jane loves being included with the big girls and loves to stay up and watch shows with Kevin and I after we put he three youngest to bed.   Jane really is such a sweet girl.  She is quiet so I sometimes worry about her getting overlooked in this crazy family.  But she is such an important part of our family.  I just couldn't live without my darling sweet Jane.  I love her so much and I cant believe what a big girl she is.

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