Thursday, May 17, 2012

Saturday Adventures

 One thing I really like about where we live is that it is really family friendly.  The community has a lot of stuf geared toward families and that is nice.  back in April there was an Earth Day Festival.  I was really worried that is was going to be just a bunch of tree huggers, but it was actually really fun.  We didn't stay too long because we also wanted to take the girls up to Auburn on a hike, but there were some fun little booths and even an animal show.  We got to see an alligator, and the girls got to make braclets and play some games and win some free stuff.

 I cannot remeber why Nellie was ticked off in this picture.  She struggles at times to be happy and she does not deal well at all if things don't turn out exactly how she wants, but she is doing better and making improvements with her attitiude, slowly but surely.
 Here is our happy guy.  I swear he is never unhappy especailly if we are out and about doing stuff.  He really likes to be out and be busy.
 After the festival we took to girls hiking. It  is nice to live close to the mountains too.  We found a pretty easy trail that was near the river and a lot of it was in the shade, which was nice because it ended up being a very hot day.
 It was under this bridge which is like the third highest bridge in the U.S. which was pretty cool.  You can't even tell from this picture how high it actually was, it was crazy.  The funny thing about the hike was Lizzy was acting very scared.  You can't tell but the river was down on the right, but it was very safe. She was freaking out like we were going to fall.  Such a silly girl.
 Such a cute group!  I just love these people! Notice the girls carrying the giant water bottles, they won them at the festival, so they had to bring them.

 One very funny thing about that day was that we learned that Jane is quite the daredevil. She was pretty much the leader the whole way.    She didn't get scared and she just does her own thing. She is quite the character.  I find it so interesting and fun how different each of my children's personalities are.
 After our sweaty hike we went down to the river and took a little dip.  It is a very fast scary river, but there was this one quiet shallow section that was very safe.  The girls loved it and even Russell get his little feet in too.

I did have a hard time getting the kids to go, but poor Russ was exhausted and we needed to get home.

Good thing Kevy can haul Russ around.  He is getting too big for me to, my shoulders start hurting if I have to carry him in the Bjorn for too long.
I really love doing this with my little family.  Having time together each weekend is so fun.  It really is what life is about.

1 comment:

Grammie & Pa Pa said...

we finally got moved and got the internet. All your posts are just wonderful and the pictures are the cutiest ever! Thanks for keeping up on your posts. We love you all and miss you. We had a great time at Easter! Hope to see you all soon!