Friday, July 13, 2012

More Cousin Time

On the last day that the Prices were visiting we had planned on going to the beach, but it was going to be cold, and after spending a day down at Discovery Kingdom, we didn't really want to take another long day trip.  So we went to the mall, where they were having a grand opening of the outdoor play place and so there were some fun activities going on.

 Jack and Jane were really inseparable on this trip.  Jane hasn't shown a ton of interest before in having friends, but she and jack just clicked.  They never had any issues and had so much fun together.
 Nellie and Max, of course, on the play place.  These two are really something else.  I love watching them together.
 There was this sand castle and it was so neat to see.
 All the cute kids together
 There was a booth where you could get your hair sprayed and Janie wanted hers done purple.
 Nellie had hers done all sparkly.  You just can't tell in this picture.
 Lizzy got hers done purple too.
We went to the library afterwards and played on the playground.  Lizzy was funny because she decided that she was embarrassed to go in the library afterwards because of her hair.  So she wanted me to brush it out so it wasn't so purple.  She is so worried about what other people think of her.  If her hair is messed up by the end of the day she wants me to fix it before we go anywhere, because "My hair is crazy!"
We had so much fun having our cousins here visiting!  We wish more would come and visit us here!

1 comment:

Grammie & Pa Pa said...

It looks like you had tons of fun with the cousins! It is always nice when you can spend time with family. Love all the pictures! Such cute kids!