Tuesday, April 11, 2017

All About Annie- 4 years

 What can I say about this crazy girl!  She has been really hard this past year!  It no joke when you hear about the threenager stage. She is just about the feistiest little gal that you could every meet!  She has an opinion and thinks she knows everything!  We potty trained her when she was just under three but she spent almost the whole next year peeing her pants every day!  We tried everything too!  She just didn't care to try!  It was the most frustrating thing too! after feeling like I was at my complete wits end with her and needing a break desperately I decided that even though it would be really tight financially I needed her to go to preschool. So at the beginning of the year we enrolled her in Miss Patty's. It was like overnight I had a completely different kid! She was so much easier to have around!  She was sweet and loving and basically overnight she stopped wetting her pants completely!  She is definitely a little social girl and needs her friends. She also needs entertainment. It's funny how much she and Nellie are alike.  Annie does really well when she is being entertained or has someone to play with. Annie has a best friend Piper that she loves to play with. They have been friends since they were just tiny and they get along so well and have such a fun time together!  I lobe seeing them play together.
Annie is not a great eater. She is probably the worst out of all my kids. She does love snacks though and loves to have fruit snacks all the time!
Annie loves dolls, more than any of my other girls by far. She has always loved baby dolls and has taught her little sister to love them too. She loves shopkins too obviously! haha.
For her birthday lunch she wanted to go to Chick-fil-a which is really kind of funny because she says she loves it but she never eats it really. Who knows, I think it might just be because they are the only restaurant we go to with a play place.
One funny thing that Annie says is instead of Gospel she says Gospital. It is pretty cute!  Annie also has the longest most beautiful blond hair!  She cut the side of it about a month ago and I should even it all out, but I would have to cut 8 or more inches off and that would be so sad! So instead I just put it up in pony tails and braids to hide it.
  We love this little feisty monkey! She keeps us on our toes and always gives us a good laugh. We love our crazy Annie girl! 

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