Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hansen Family Reunion

I am SO very far behind in my posting. I have a million pictures to post from our vacation! I think that is the problem though, it feels too overwhelming. So I am just going to do a little at a time until I get caught up. So check back soon for more updates.

We traveled out to Utah in the middle of June for the Hansen family reunion. My parents and all the kids stayed at a cabin up in Heber. It was great because there were 8 bedrooms and tons of space, so even though there were over 40 of us we all fit pretty comfortably. Everyone was there except my brother Joseph (who is on a mission) and my sister-in-law Kristen (Jarom's wife). It was so much fun I don't even have words how good it was to be able to all be together. It had been almost two years since I had seen a couple of my brothers, so it was awesome.

Unfortunately it rained basically the whole time we were there so we couldn't do a whole lot of outdoor stuff, but that really didn't matter. We just hung out and talked and laughed and ate. My family is very good at laughing together and we all love to cook and eat. Sunday we had a sacrament meeting and a testimony meeting together and it was really neat to hear every ones testimony and feel the spirit so strong. We celebrated every body's birthday and the kids were anxiously waiting to eat the cake.
My Dad was showing Nellie and some of the little kids how to play pool the kids way. They really enjoyed being with Grandpa.

W had Family Home Evening and had a fun activity and them we made smores. Lizzy liked hers.

About half of the grand kids eating dinner. It is crazy how many grand kids my parents have with plenty more to come.

The kids making tie dyed shirts. My sister Janae was so amazing and she had a bunch of activities for the kids to do.

Here was another activity for the kids. They got to paint these cute little animals and Nellie painted her bear completely green of course.

We did get a little bit of sun and the girls and Kevy rode the four-wheeler. They looked so cute on there.

Kevy just finished one of his classes that was quite intensive, so he was glad to be able to relax and read a novel for the first time in a really long time.

These guys sure had a good time together.

My family loves to do puzzles and I thought this picture of Nellie and my brother Bryce was so dang cute. Nellie thought she really was helping with the puzzle.

1 comment:

Chanelle said...

I'm so glad you finally posted! We had so much fun with you guys. We already miss you like crazy!