Friday, April 25, 2014


We had another great Easter, filled with fun and activities. The day before there was a local Easter egg hunt at the park near our house so we rode our bikes over. We were running a little late so Kevy stayed back riding with Jane (because she is the slowest bike rider ever and she is actually getting slower!!) I hurried ahead with the big girls so that we could get registered. They let the little kids go first and of course Annie couldn't have cared less about the whole thing. Russ did have a little more interest this year than he did last year. He wasn't crazy over it but he did go out there and get some eggs.

Annie did like getting into the eggs after the fact

Daddy was showing her all the eggs that he helped her collect.

Its my mission to try and get pictures of Anne because right now she is so diffficult to get good pictures of. All of the ones I have on my camera are blurry because she will not hold still.

I love this picture of my Kevy and all of our wild children.

Kevy had a strategy with Lizzy and Nellie and they were pretty successful. But Nellie did tell us that there was a child near her that spilled all of her eggs out of her basket and Nellie took advantage and grabbed a bunch. It made me feel bad as a parent that she would do something like that so we had to have a nice little chat about what is not appropriate. I think Nellie is just so blinded by the candy that she just can't see straight.

Here the girls were trying to find tickets because there was a drawing for prizes. Annie and Russ actually got over twenty tickets and there were a lot of prizes, but of course we didn't get any. Both Kevy and I have the worst luck with stuff like that!

I think I got a really great picture of the kids in their easter clothes. I didnt make dresses this year, but I bought dresses for Mikes wedding, and I just replaced the girls ribbon with different colored ones and i made them each a shrug to wear over them. i thought they tured out so darling. I totally procrastinated making them because of my trip until the week before Easter, but after making the first one I whipped out the second two really fast.

We didn't have the chance to get a family picture before chuch because Kevy was on a work call that made us late for chuch. So we had to get one after church and the girls had already changed, so I made them change back into their dresses so we could get a picture. Unfortunately the light was totally different than themorning when it was so good.

We really tried to fill up the day with easter activities because we were so busy with other stuff on saturday. While the babies were sleeping the big girls decorated their eggs. After the egg decorating we stuffed the eggs for the egg hunt. I let the girls decide if they wanted the Easter Bunny to come or to do an egg hunt. They decided on an egg hunt since we have such a good backyard for it.


We let Russ go first and then after a few minutes Jane and then the big girls. Of course Nellie totally freaked out about that, about how unfair it was. Which was totally ridiculous because we had already determined how many eggs they could get and only let them get that many each.


I was surprised because there were a bunch that I had to help the kids find. The girls were just so concerned about finding a lot that they wouldn't even look that closely and actually misssed a bunch! It was fun though. We always have a good time doing fun things with the kids. They sure bring a lot of joy to our lives. Kevin and my life would be awfully boring without these fun, crazy kids of ours!


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